Where faith defines life
Tena koutou katoa
Thanks for checking us out. As we say on our homepage here at PBC we have found that our faith in Jesus helps us make sense of life and how we will live.
The other pages on this site tell a bit more of our story and how we partner with others to live out what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
Whoever you are, you are most welcome to come and join us on this journey as we seek to be whanau to each other and as we seek to follow Jesus.
These little icons show some of our values.

Love others
Jesus invites us to love God and love others. We want to do both those things – Love God with all our hearts and love others. To see how we are doing that in our community check out our Others page.
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.
Maori whakatauki (proverb)

Our Leadership
Andrew Bollen
Andrew is married to Xanthia and they have four adult children (one deceased) and six mokopuna. He loves movies, computers and is a great fan of Pink Floyd. Andrew started here at the beginning of 2020 after ministering at Wellington Central, Karori and New Plymouth West Baptist Churches. Once upon a time he worked for Telecom.
The Pathway To Today
The Church was planted in September 2009, when a group of Baptists who lived in Paraparaumu, Raumati and Waikanae came together under the leadership of Kevin & Anne Schulz. With the encouragement and assistance of the Wellington Association of Baptist Churches, the building on the corner of Ruapehu and Kaimanawa Streets in Paraparaumu was purchased, and worship services began in September 2009.
The fellowship was formally constituted as a Baptist Church in November 2010, and became affiliated with the Baptist family of Churches in New Zealand (NZ Baptist Union)
- 2009 Church Plant
- 2010 Joins Baptist Union Of NZ
- 2020 Mainly Music starts