This week 23 March.
Like many other churches we have now closed our Sunday morning gathered worship services. But we have NOT shut-down, we are open and will continue to help you worship God, care for you and help you to care for others.
One unexpected aspect of this is that we have been asked to provide a slot each Sunday on the local community radio station. So we will be preparing some music, a message and prayers for that slot. You can listen on air, Sundays @10.30am and again @ 8pm on Thursday evening on Coast Access Radio 104.7FM or livestream at, or you could listen to the podcast at a later date via the radio station website.
We will also post the message to our website.
The church leadership have agreed to take responsibility for the care and wellbeing of members in the our church community. They should be in touch with you during each week. If you have any needs or concerns then please make contact with us.
Grace and peace