Stuck in a rut

This old expression comes from a time when wagon wheels would get stuck in the ruts in the road left by hundreds of other carts using the road. These ruts could get so deep that once a wheel got into one it was almost impossible to change direction. You were stuck in the rut.

Life can be a bit like that at times. We get stuck with one way of doing things and what once may have been fun and life-giving becomes boring and soul-destroying. The traditions we built as families which once drew us together now become places that divide and push us apart.

What might need to change, what traditions may need to be laid to rest, to allow you to discover life in all its fulness?

If you are struggling at this time and just need someone to talk to, then please email us at office@pb.org.nz or call 0223075225 and we will contact you.

This Sunday @ 10am This coming Sunday we continue our series called Encounters with Jesus, looking at the encounters Jesus has with various people in John’s Gospel. What do they disclose about Jesus and us?  This week we will meet a paralysed and some religious leaders in John 5:1-47

A children’s programme is available and a crèche for younger children.

To join with us on air, tune in to Coast Access Radio 104.7FM from 10.00am or livestream at http://coastaccessradio.org.nz... 

Mainly Music – Wednesdays from 10.00am during school terms. This programme is a fun way for parents and their children to spend quality time together based around music and movement. It is an opportunity for us as a church to connect with and offer something back to the community of which we are a part. It is also a way for us to demonstrate care, concern, and support for those with young children.

Small Groups. We have several groups meeting. Contact the church office@pb.org.nz if you would like to join one.

And we are also on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/paraparaumubaptist

Grace and peace