My way!

I’ve noticed in myself and in other kiwis something that none of us seem to like – being told what to do. There is something about us kiwis that means we react, often quite negatively, when we feel like we are being told how to behave or what to do.  We prefer to do things our way, in our own time and when it suits us best. Maybe its part of our what formed in us as a nation due to our distance from the rest of the world or maybe its just that we’re all just stubborn and grumpy.

In contrast Paul the Apostle invites us to submit to each other, to lay down our very lives for others just as Jesus laid down his life for the whole world. Mutual submission where each of us is willing to  let others speak into our lives and where we seek the very best for each other. I wonder what difference that might make to our relationships.

If you are struggling at this time and just need someone to talk to, then please email us at office@pb.org.nz or call 0223075225 and we will contact you.

This Sunday @ 10am We will be continuing our series, More than you can imagine, looking at Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus.

A children’s programme is available and a crèche for younger children.

To join with us on air, tune in to Coast Access Radio 104.7FM from 10.00am or livestream at http://coastaccessradio.org.nz... 

Mainly Music – Wednesdays from 10.00am during school terms. This programme is a fun way for parents and their children to spend quality time together based around music and movement. It is an opportunity for us as a church to connect with and offer something back to the community of which we are a part. It is also a way for us to demonstrate care, concern, and support for those with young children.

Small Groups. We have several groups meeting. Contact the church office@pb.org.nz if you would like to join one.

And we are also on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/paraparaumubaptist

Grace and peace