Called to.. share
We all like good news – those things in life that make us feel good and give us hope and joy. Perhaps you can think of some good news you have received and recall how it made you feel. The Christian story of Jesus has always claimed to be good news, in fact that is how Mark begins his story of Jesus – This is the Good News about Jesus the Messiah. At the heart of this good news is the proclamation that Jesus is the Messiah sent by God to set the world aright and to restore the relationship b...
February 20, 2025Called transformed
So often we forget that a key element of following Jesus is the willingness to be transformed. Somehow, we can get this idea that Jesus is just an add-on, like a bumper sticker, that actually demands nothing of us. Yet the Bible is very clear that following Jesus is going to require some degree of change for all of us. Why? Because most of us want the world, and God even, to give us what we want, to look after us and make life easy. We may not like to admit it, but deep down, we would rather be ...
February 12, 2025We're starting up again!
mainly music kicks off again Wednesday 12 February 2025 from 10am. There is a small charge per family. This programme is a fun way for parents and their children to spend quality time together based around music and movement. It is an opportunity for us as a church to connect with and offer something back to the community of which we are a part. It’s also away for us to demonstrate care, concern and support for those with young children....
February 4, 2025Called to ...
It’s easy to do things and forget just why we are doing them. Simon Sinek, the business motivational speaker, talks about your why. Why do you do what you do? Because if you can’t answer the why then you will end up doing all sorts of other things. Some may be really worthwhile, but they may still stop you doing what you originally planned to do. So why do you do what you do? What drives you? What ensures you are going in the right direction?Other the next few weeks we are going to be thinki...
February 4, 2025New Year
January 1st is traditionally the time for change, for making new year’s resolutions about how this year we will try to get fit, eat less, work less, spend less, earn more, - you know who it goes. And the stats tell us that by the end of January, about now, most of us have already given up. Why? Because doing those things requires change and change is hard.And the same is true of our spiritual lives as well. We want to pray more, care more, love more, but all those things require us...
January 29, 2025Christmas Day
Join us Christmas morning to celebrate together the birth of Jesus. Hear again the story of Jesus birth through readings, carols and story. All welcome....
December 23, 2024Love
Many people when asked will say that love is most often recognised as the gift of presence. We are there when needed, when things turn to custard, but also in those moments when what is needed is a listening ear. Being present for people can be the ultimate expression of love. Which is why the story of Christmas is so powerful. God chooses to be present with us in the world, to see what we see, to feel what we feel, to experience what we experience. God as one writer puts it, moves into the neig...
December 17, 2024Christmas Carols - come and join us
Come and join us for Christmas Carols and a retelling of the Christmas story. Supper to follow. All welcome....
December 11, 2024Joy
I’ve been thinking this week about the difference between excitement and joy. Excitement it seems is that emotion we feel when something unexpectedly good happens, like winning lotto. It is often intense and short in duration. Excitement disappears almost as quickly as it occurs. Joy on the other hand is a deep sense of contentment and goodness we feel often as a result of an interaction with others. It’s how we feel when we catch up with long missed relatives, our mokopuna or people who are...
December 10, 2024Peace
Joseph, the husband of Mary, in the Bible is a picture of a man who faced with enormous questions and uncertainty, discovers peace and the ability to make the best of a difficult situation. Joseph is a good God-fearing man, who discovers that his wife to be is pregnant and he knows that he is NOT the father. So, what do you do? Well Joseph decided that the best thing to do was to call it all off without making a huge fuss. It was a good way to respond, because he could have had Mary condemned as...
December 2, 2024Rejoice
One of the greatest expressions of praise recorded in the Bible is Mary’s words of praise about being chosen as the mother of Jesus. Known as the Magnificat, from the Latin version, these words are full of celebration, praise and thanks to God. Mary is overwhelmed that she, a lowly young girl, should be chosen by God to be the mother of the Messiah. She sees herself as the most blessed person in the whole world. And so…. she celebrates.I wonder when was the last time you were so blessed and ...
November 26, 2024Oh, is that what you meant?
Ever had that feeling in a conversation that while you are using the same words you are talking about different things. You say one thing and they respond with an answer which to you makes no sense at all. This joke here is a wonderful example of getting our wires crossed, of missing what the other person is saying.Jesus and Pilate had a conversation, recorded by John, about the word king. They both use the same word, but they are talking about completely different things. One was talking about ...
November 19, 2024Redemption
It’s a word deeply rooted in the Christian story but also the theme of many great movies. The story of a person or character who is deeply flawed but who through a series of trials becomes a much better person. Such a person has been redeemed, restored, returned to a place of honour within their community. I wonder if you have ever experienced redemption? Perhaps you made a big mistake at work or in a relationship and you wondered if that blunder could ever be made right. And then, someone els...
November 12, 2024Let me lead
The race for the Whitehouse has dominated our TV screens over the last few weeks as two people offer very different ideas as to how they will lead over the next four years. Both have huge followings of people who have chosen to follow their candidate. Leadership is a huge responsibility for those who lead but also for those who choose to follow. Who will we support and what qualities of character do we want to see in those who seek to lead. What skills do we expect them to bring to the role? The...
November 5, 2024To see or not to see
Recently I stood on the beach at twilight trying to spot the comet everyone was talking about. Find the brightest light in the sky, down slightly and to the right, the experts said. So, we watched and waited and hoped the skies would reveal something to us but nothing appeared to my naked eye. The next day there was a beautiful photo of the comet on the net taken by a photographer.Isn’t it frustrating when we can’t see what others can see, or even worse when they can’t see what we can see....
October 31, 2024Justice or ....
Several years ago, I read an article in which the author tried to explain the difference between grace and justice. Justice, they argued was the fulfilment of the law. You break the law, legal or even social, and there is a penalty to pay. Only when this has been paid has justice been fully served. So, justice is what we deserve in response to our actions. Grace, however, is when the outcome we get is not what we deserve at all.John in his Gospel tells of a woman who was brought to Jesus as an a...
October 23, 2024A free lunch
Once while talking to a funeral director, they told me about people who turn up at funerals even when they have no connection with the person who has died or their immediate family. These ‘mourners’ have turned up because they are after the free food that is made available for those who have come to pay their respects. There’s something about the idea of a free lunch that is very attractive, this concept that we can have something without any cost to ourselves.In Jesus’ day people came t...
October 17, 2024The Heaven's Declare
The writer of Psalm 19 makes a pretty audacious claim in the first opening lines.The heavens keep telling the wonders of God, and the skies declare what he has done. Each day informs the following day; each night announces to the next. They don't speak a word, and there is never the sound of a voice. Yet their message reaches all the earth, and it travels around the world. (Psa 19:1-4 CEV)Perhaps you have seen some of the images taken by the Hubble and Webb telescopes that show a mag...
October 8, 2024What a wonderful world
In the 1990’s TVNZ used the song What a wonderful world to showcase the wonder 0f New Zealand scenery. Here’s a link to the ad. The video reminds us of the wonder and beauty of the world we live in. We are currently thinking about creation and how we as stewards of creation are called upon to care for and look after the world God has given us.This Sunday our service will be held at Robin’s Nest at Nga Manu Bird Sanctuary in Waikanae. Here’s the address 74 Ngā Manu Reserve Road, Wa...
October 2, 2024Stuck in a rut
This old expression comes from a time when wagon wheels would get stuck in the ruts in the road left by hundreds of other carts using the road. These ruts could get so deep that once a wheel got into one it was almost impossible to change direction. You were stuck in the rut.Life can be a bit like that at times. We get stuck with one way of doing things and what once may have been fun and life-giving becomes boring and soul-destroying. The traditions we built as families which once drew us toget...
September 24, 2024What attracts you?
All of us are drawn to other people, but our reasons may be quite different. Perhaps because they are famous, or rich, or good looking or we just enjoy their company. Sometimes our motivations are a bit suspect – we like hanging around with someone because of what we can get out of it. Like the lotto winner who discovers all their long-lost relatives and lots of new friends. Or maybe we want to be seen with a certain person, to get the selfie, that shows we are in the right crowd. And if...
September 17, 2024Found Out
Have you ever had someone walk in on you and suddenly found yourself feeling really guilty. It’s not that you had even done anything wrong, it’s just that feeling that you have been caught out. In the 1990’s John Powell a Jesuit priest wrote a series of books - two of which were titled ‘Will the real me please stand up’ and ‘Why am I afraid to tell you who I really am?’In the preface to the second book Powell tells of an actual conversation he had with a person about the title of h...
September 11, 2024Caring
Over the last week Aotearoa/New Zealand has been filled with the sound of mourning following the death of the Māori King, Tūheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII. In the eulogies that have followed, people have spoken overwhelmingly of his grace, humour and commitment to kotahitanga – the desire to work together and find common ground despite our differences. In a world wrought by division and disharmony his message is something we all need to hear.This week I wonder how we might individually an...
September 3, 2024Evil
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” is a quote attributed to Edmund Burke. It is a reminder that evil is something we need to be constantly on the watch for and prepared to stand up against. We don’t have to look far to realise how quickly evil can take root – war provides a perfect breeding ground for evil. But evil can also sneak in in subtle ways, when those with power use that power to distort truth, to take advantage of those who are wea...
August 27, 2024Care for others
The cost-of-living crisis has highlighted some of the deep needs existing in our society. There are many who are struggling to make ends meet or have lost jobs. Politicians have multiple views on how we deal with the need that is evident but perhaps the most important question is for ourselves, what can I do, or maybe what am I prepared to do, to help those in need at this time.It’s always easier to make it someone else’s problem – the Government, the local council, the Sallies or maybe ev...
August 21, 2024 Posts 1-25 of 256 | Page next